66˚North's approach to protecting the Earth
Our path to net zero
All manufacturing and distribution causes harm to the earth. How then can a company be “sustainable,” and does that word still have meaning? When it comes to clothing, we believe that over-consumerism, disposable products, and waste cause the greatest harm. It doesn’t matter if you buy a biodegradable jacket if—due to function, quality, or aesthetics—you buy a new one every year. Through the longevity of design, function, construction, care, and desirability, our products reduce the need for long-term consumption whether bought new or second-hand.
It is only through our holistic approach to circularity that we can minimize harm, mitigate our impact, and make a net positive impact on the world.
We also accept that there is no perfect solution. In all responsible decision-making, there are trade-offs. We are actively committed to making incremental steps to reduce our impact while transparently sharing our journey with consumers and the industry.

Released CO2 in 2022
We released 848 tCO2 in 2022.
We are pleased to report that our scope 1 emissions decreased, and our scope 2 emissions remained static, between 2021 and 2022. More than half of our production emissions fall under scope 1 and 2, as we own the factories where the majority of our styles are produced. We achieved carbon offsetting for scopes 1 and 2 in collaboration with Klimate.
As we develop our electric fleet, employee fuel consumption lowered, and carbon emissions were reduced by 26% to 171.4 tCOz over the year period. Additionally, through tighter monitoring and control of our waste intensity, we have reduced our impact by 35% in 2022 to 1.345.8 kg/FTEs.
Scope 1
171.4 tCO2
Fuel from vehicles
Heating with natural gas
Scope 2
67.5 tCO2
Scope 3
609.1 tCO2
Business travels
Sorted waste in HQ and selected stores
Transportation and distribution
Scope 1 - Actions
Sustainable energy sources in Latvia
Scope 2 - Actions
Manage the carbon footprint of materials
Recognize the footprint of third parties
Released CO2 in 2021
We released 746.3 tCO2 in 2021.
We offset this with our combined business practices and by planting trees. We have planted 10,500 trees since 2019.
Scope 1
230.7 tCO2
Fuel from vehicles
Heating with natural gas
Scope 2
60.3 tCO2
Scope 3
455.3 tCO2
Business travels
Sorted waste in HQ and selected stores
Transportation and distribution
Scope 1 - Actions
Sustainable energy sources in Latvia
Scope 2 - Actions
Manage the carbon footprint of materials
Recognize the footprint of third parties
Released C02 in 2020
We released 376.2 tCO2e in 2020.
We offset this with our combined business practices and by planting 3,892 trees
Scope 1
135.7 t CO2
Fuel from vehicles
Heating with natural gas
Scope 2
68.8 t CO2
Scope 3
171.8 t CO2
Business travels
Sorted waste in HQ and selected stores
Transportation and distribution*
*in 2020 we were able to add most of our transportation and distribution emissions due to more accurate calculations. This results in an increase in total emissions.
Released C02 in 2019
We released 274.1 tCO2e in 2019.
We offset this with our combined business practices and by planting 2,741 trees
Scope 1
142.2 t CO2
Fuel from vehicles
Heating with natural gas
Scope 2
65.8 t CO2
Scope 3
66.1 t CO2
Business travels
Sorted waste in HQ and selected stores